how to make a gender reveal pinata

How to make a Gender Reveal Pinata

Gender Reveal Pinata Ideas

How to make a Gender Reveal Pinata is a question we get asked a lot! If you planning a Gender Reveal Party, you will be deciding on the best way to do the big reveal!

Of course, there are lots of great ways to reveal your Baby’s gender, and some are great for DIY! We love Gender Reveal boxes and pinatas. So, if you are feeling crafty, read on to find out how to make a Gender Reveal Pinata!

What is a Gender Reveal Pinata?

Basically a Gender Reveal pinata is a box containing pink or blue balloons and confetti. When you are ready, the pinata is suspended up high from a ceiling or tree. Then, to announce your Baby’s gender, you pull the string of the pinata and watch as the pink or blue balloons drop out and make the big reveal! Check out this video to see a pinata Gender Reveal.

How do you make a Gender Reveal pinata?

Well, a DIY Gender Reveal pinata is really easy to make. Plus, you just need a few supplies and around an hour to put together something really special!

how to make a gender reveal pinata

How to make a Gender Reveal Pinata

Step 1… Plan your Gender Reveal Pinata design

There are several options for the design of your box. Of course, you can go simple, with a plain box with a message on the side. Or go more elaborate with the decor. So here are a few of our favorite design options for you.

diy gender reveal box ideas
Credit Vandi Fair
gender reveal pinata box ideas
Photo credit Bubblegum Balloons
how to make a gender reveal pinata
Photo credit Vandi Fair

Wording for your Gender Reveal Pinata that works well include:

It’s a…

Boy or girl?

Pink or blue? It’s time we knew!

Brother or Sister?

He or she? We want to see!

Twinkle twinkle little star, how we wonder what you are!

Step 2… Gather your supplies!

Now you have planned your design, you are ready to get started! This is what you will need…

cardboard box
balloons for gender reveal

Step 3 – Assemble your Gender Reveal Pinata!

  • Firstly, put together your box and secure the top with packing tape. Remember, the bottom needs to remain open at this stage.
  • Then cover the box with your selected paper or paint. If covering with paper, wrap it like a present.
  • Remember to cut the pieces for the flaps and tape down to keep it pretty!
  • If you are leaving it plain, simply assemble your box!
  • Now securely attach 2 pull strings with tape to the inside of the large flaps on the base of your box. Make sure you attached them really well!
  • Also, you will need to attach some string to the top of the box so you can hang it. The best way to do this is to poke 2 small holes on each of the top corners of the box to thread your string through.
gender reveal pinata twinkle twinkle

Step 4 – Decorate!

  • Now decorate your box however you want!
  • Utilize super cute and easy stickers.
  • Print and glue designs or words
  • Keep it simple with pink and blue dots and hearts.

Best Gender Reveal Pinata Decorations

If you aren’t feeling that crafty, you can make it even easier by buying or downloading stickers to decorate your box.

So, here are our favorites…

This Gender Reveal Sticker set comes with the black and white balloons stickers plus pink and blue hearts and stars. And this works really well on a simple kraft box.

Next up, this Gender Reveal sign is an instant download that you can download and print out yourself.

oh baby gender reveal box printable

Another cute options is this Twinkle Twinkle vinyl decal.

gender reveal pinata box ideas

Finally, this Brother or Sister sign also comes as an instant download and is perfect for a second or third Baby reveal.

how to make a gender reveal pinata box

Step 4 – Insert Balloons!

  • So, it can be tricky to find out how many balloons to put in your box. However, you do not want to overfill it, because the balloons could get stuck and not come out. In my experience, around 12-14 balloons are all you need. 
  • Remember, for a Gender Reveal Pinata you don’t want to fill the balloons with helium as you want them to float down, not up!
  • First off, turn your box upside down and fill with your balloons, confetti, and streamers.
  • Then close the base of the box, leaving the 2 pull strings dangling. Use tape to loosely secure the box. Remember, you want the pull string to be able to open the box so don’t secure the box too well!
  • If you are not “in on the surprise” you will need to get a friend or relative who knows the baby’s gender to do this bit for you!!

Now your DIY Gender Reveal Pinata is ready for the big reveal!

Then, gather your closest friends and family, countdown from 10, and pull the strings! At last, out come your pink or blue balloons and your baby’s gender is revealed. Remember to have your camera at the ready!

Ready-Made Gender Reveal Pinatas

If you just want to cut to the chase and buy a ready-made Gender Reveal Pinata, there are some great options available.

So, here are our top ready made Gender Reveal Pinatas.

So, there you have it! Above all, we hope this was useful and that you are now ready to get crafty and get making!

For more ideas on how to reveal your Baby’s Gender, read our best Gender Reveal ideas.

And we hope you have the best Gender Reveal Party ever!

About Author

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Jane Sheriff is the founder, creative director, party planner and mom of three. She started Darling Celebrations back in 2012 to share easy and beautiful ideas for celebrating the special events in life.

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