back to school parties

Back to School Parties – How to throw a fun Back to School Party

Back to School Parties – All you need to know…

What is a Back to School Party?

Back to School Parties are a fun way to celebrate the start of a new school year. Or for your little kids, the start of their first year of school! Back to School Parties can be a lovely way to mark the end of the summer holidays. Plus it’s a great way to muster up some enthusiasm for getting back into the school routines! For you and the kids!

How do you throw a Back to School Party?

A Back to School Party is usually thrown at the end of the Summer holidays, a day or so before school starts. Often, it’s hosted at home or if you are lucky with the weather, in your backyard. Usually, you will invite your child’s classmates. And if you have multiple children, you may want to host a larger party with guests from each of your children’s classes.

Another great thing about Back to School Parties are they are a really nice way for the children to re-connect with each other after the summer break. Of course, this is perfect for those who might be a little nervous about returning to school.

Back to School Party Ideas

Now, I love this pretty set up by Sweet Bambini Events. The primary colors work great mixed in with the black chalkboards. Apples make a great styling feature and the Back to School backdrop really sets the scene. Check out this backdrop for something similar.

Check out this clever table transformation by Lindsay from Midwest Blonde. She has made their dining table into a school bus using yellow card and some creative craft skills! I love how this really sets the scene and transforms the space.

Back to School Party Food

toffee apples

Toffee apples, popcorn, sandwiches, and cakes are great easy Back to School Party food ideas. Style it up a little with small lunch boxes or chalkboard style signs. Remember, school food is often simple, lunch box style so there is no need to do anything fancy!

These gorgeous book cupcakes are sure to be a winner. And the tiny ruler on the top is super cute!

Back to School Party Activities

A Back to School Party can be a great opportunity to capture some of those cute back to school memories. Set some time aside to take photos of the children as a class and individually. Get them to hold a sign that says their year group to make a great keepsake for parents.

back to school party games

If you are happy with a little mess, hand prints can be another fun keepsake activity. Get the children to print their hands onto a dated and named piece of paper. You can pull them out year after year to see how they have grown!

A Back to School Party is a fun tradition to start. After all, your child’s school years are precious so why not help create special memories with a pretty party to kick off the school year!

For more fun Back to School Ideas, check out our Pinterest board here.

And for more fun party ideas, check out our Party pages and Baby Shower pages.

About Author

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Jane Sheriff is the founder, creative director, party planner and mom of three. She started Darling Celebrations back in 2012 to share easy and beautiful ideas for celebrating the special events in life.

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