70th birthday party ideas

70th Birthday Party Ideas – Fun Ideas for a Stylish 70th

The 70th birthday is a milestone in your life. It shows resilience and ability to overcome. While the 75th may be marked as three quarters of the way to 100, celebrating 70 is still important. So here are our favorite 70th Birthday party ideas!

Those who are celebrating 70 have had full lives, each has changed the world in their own way. They may often be reaching the age of retirement and relaxation, and in some cultures, it holds special meaning.

What can I do for a 70th Birthday?

ideas for 70th birthday party

When celebrating a 70th birthday there are many considerations to be made. It is important to note what the health is of the birthday person who is being celebrated. And to ensure that they want to have a party or for it to be acknowledged. If the person has limited mobility or other health concerns that make it unlikely, they would like to go do an activity then plan a smaller and quieter party for them.

If it is your 70th birthday, be sure to tell everyone! Reaching this milestone is exciting and deserves being mentioned and celebrated. You have made huge steps in life and overcome everything that has happened. Share the joy of the good times and hope for the future with anyone who adds value to your life.

Is a 70th birthday special?

70th birthday
Happy 70th birthday party celebration balloons with hearts. 3D Render

Each culture celebrates birthdays in their own way. And has their own take on which milestones are the most important ones, as well as why. In Jewish culture the 70th birthday is the one that represents an entire lifetime. This is the age at which they have reached mature age. But also have met with wisdom, completeness, and are transitioning into a new era.

In India the 70th birthday is celebrated with a gathering of the entire family, often in a wedding venue or other large hall so that everyone can attend. A ceremony is completed that helps to strengthen their spiritual path and to remove any bad karma that may be present. After the ceremony has been completed, they exchange garlands. This is when God blesses them. Then they are ready to move into the next years of life with health and strength.

Gifts for a 70th Birthday Party

ideas for 70th birthday

Locate a gift that will have meaning, and something they can treasure. Family photos are a traditional gift for older family, so they can see all of those who they love, and have helped to bring a life too, every day. Provide a meal for them, and cake or another treat if there are dietary restrictions. But most of all, ensure that they feel loved, heard, and cared for. Gifts that remind them of their childhood or where they came from are one way to spark an emotional response, and treasure happy memories of the past.

Best 70th birthday party ideas

70 birthday party ideas

For anyone who is still easily mobile and active a birthday party at the home of a family member can be a wonderful experience. They can see everyone they love, play backyard games such as bean bag toss or croquet. Where feasible a trip to the local park or area of beauty.

Others may prefer to have a small party at a senior’s centre, or if they live in a senior’s village or home a party there will allow their friends to attend. Party hats, streamers, balloon, cake, and friends make anyone’s birthday a little better.

Throwback Party

Throwback birthdays are a hit with anyone, anytime. Choose a time in their life when the outfits where groovy and the food was silly. Or when the outfits where silly and the music became classic. Have everyone dress up for that time period, bring food that was popular then and plan the music around that decade or year. Having a throwback party to the year they were born or the year they turned 18 is sure to be well received, and it will be fun for everyone attending.

An alternative to a throwback party is the futuristic party. Research what people thought the future would be like, the outfits that their generation and pop culture thought people would wear now, the foods they expected to be served, and the aesthetic that was expected. Decorate as if that has happened. Create outfits or costumes to fulfil those expectations, and give it a fun theme name. Plan games that reference the shows that the information was sourced from. Or quizzes about the movies that created that world.

Having each person dress how they think they will look at 70 is also a fun idea. It can bring out the creativity of many guests and ensure that there is a lot of laughter and fun.

70th Birthday Party Ideas At A Care Home

If you are having the party at a senior’s centre or a care home, there are still many things that can be done. Small groups can gather, you can have people come by a room or meeting space and share their best wishes, have a card tournament or shuffleboard. Post photos from their life and their family around the room and have a trek back through time.

What’s most important for a 70th birthday party?

ideas for 70 birthday

The people are the most important factor. Just being there, acknowledging the day, and showing them that they are still an important part of your life is key no matter their health and activity level. People of all ages and all demographics want most to be loved by their family and friends. And that time together is priceless. Make the time to share with your birthday person and they are sure to value the day.

Regardless of health, work status, location, everyone wants to see their friends and family for their birthday. Make jokes, share stories, wear something outlandish, but most importantly have fun.  

Click here to read about our favorite 80th birthday ideas.

About Author

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Jane Sheriff is the founder, creative director, party planner and mom of three. She started Darling Celebrations back in 2012 to share easy and beautiful ideas for celebrating the special events in life.

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